About Me

Hi! I'm Emily, a dedicated licensed aesthetician for about five years of experience. My comprehensive training from Face Reality and DMK has equipped me with the expertise to address your unique skincare needs. For me, being a skincare professional isn't just a job; it's a genuine passion. There's nothing more fulfilling than guiding clients like you towards achieving radiant and healthy skin.

Your individual skin concerns are my top priority, and I'm thrilled to accompany you on this skincare journey. My commitment to personalized care ensures that your experience is not only tailored to your needs but also results in exceptional and lasting outcomes. Let's collaborate to make your skin glow and flourish!

In addition to my skincare expertise, I am certified in lash extensions through Bella Lash and Lost Artistry. This aspect of my work is an absolute joy for me. With a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to perfection, I take immense pride in enhancing my clients' natural beauty through lash artistry.

Witnessing the newfound confidence and happiness that lash extensions bring to my clients is incredibly rewarding. In this ever-evolving industry, I am dedicated to continuous learning and experimenting with innovative techniques. Together, let's embark on this lash journey, unveiling the beauty of your eyes. Your satisfaction and confidence are my driving forces, and I can't wait to bring out the best in you!